
【看英文中國郵報學英文】在穆斯林旅客逐漸增多的環境下,台灣為打造穆斯林首選旅遊地,近期再度邀請穆斯林馬來西亞裔女星蜜拉菲爾莎來台拍宣傳片,預計明年一月底在馬來西亞首播。With the number of Muslims traveling in Taiwan soaring in recent years, there is little wonder that authorities have strived to create a Halal-friendly environment for tourists of the Islamic faith. Star Muslim YouTuber Mira Filzah from Malaysia was invited to film a promotional video featuring the best of Taiwan. The video is set to be broadcast in Malaysia at the end of January 2020. 今年的影片為去年的「Salam Taiwan」的2.0版。影片將加上副標「Destinasi Baru Pilihan Hati Mu」,中文譯為「你心中首選的全新旅遊目的地」。This video, which is inspired by “Salam Taiwan” released in 2018, is coined the “Salam Taiwan 2.0.” It includes the subtitle “Destinasi Baru Pilihan Hati Mu,” meaning “Your Top Traveling Destination.”蜜拉菲爾莎於影片中針對美食、生態、樂活、文化和購物等主題介紹台灣,走訪台灣各大景點,如台北地標101、九份老街、台中彩虹眷村、高美溼地,和嘉義的阿里山等。During the video, Mira Filzah introduces various aspects of Taiwan, including food, environment, lifestyle, culture and shopping at various popular sites, such as Taipei 101, Jiufen Old Street, the Rainbow Village in Taichung, the Gaomei Wetlands, and Alishan in Chiayi. 從單車旅遊到台灣的文藝體驗,蜜拉菲爾莎都將台灣的特色一一點出,介紹台灣觀光特色資源。From bike rides to art and cultural activities, Mira Filzah unveils Taiwan’s best features in travel.根據觀光局統計,去年來台的馬來西亞旅客總數將近53萬,而由於三分之一的馬來西亞人為穆斯林教徒,台盼拓展穆斯林市場,打造穆斯林首選旅遊地。According to data provided by the Tourism Bureau, about 530,000 Malaysian tourists traveled to Taiwan last year. As about one-third of Malaysians are Muslims, authorities hope to create a better environment for Muslims. 觀光局期望2020年突破去年來台穆斯林旅客人數(6萬),達成10萬名穆斯林遊客來台目標。Asked about the aforesaid video, the Tourism Bureau expressed hopes that the number of Muslim tourists can reach 100,000 in 2020, up from 60,000 last year. 由於蜜拉菲爾莎擁有將近600萬名粉絲,去年的宣傳影片成效極佳,觀光局希望今年的2.0版本能吸引更多穆斯林旅客。As Mira Flizah has nearly 6 million fans and last year’s promotional video was extremely successful, the Tourism Bureau hopes that the 2.0 version can attract even more Muslim tourists. 更多 ChinaPost 新聞 慈聖宮的台北口味 | Taipei delicacies at hand at Cisheng Temple 新竹動物園28日重新開放 人與動物「零距離」| Hsinchu Zoo breaks barriers between visitors and animals 超過癮!日本導入最新AR技術讓西洋劍比賽更華麗 | AR technology makes fencing cristal clear!

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